26 juin 2006

sportif d'élite & homo

Comment en est-on arrivé à se discuter des sportifs professionnels homosexuels ....je ne m'en souviens pas très bien... mais nous nous sommes rendu compte que nous en connaissions aucun...

alors je suis allée surfer et voila ce que j'ai trouvé:

perso, je n'en connais aucuns mais je ne suis pas une référence en connaissance sportive.

"There aren't a whole lot of out gay athletes here in the US. There are a few American football players, and a baseball player or two, but they only come out after retirement. Honestly, I can count the number of well-known currently competing out gay athletes of any prominance on one hand.

Aside from Swoops, you've got:
-Graham Ackerman (current Olympic hopeful for the '08 Olympics in gymnastics and apparently holds a couple opf NCAA titles);
-Ian Roberts (rugby) (and I had to web search for him);
-Greg Louganis came out while competeing by accident (the whole "I hit my head on the board and now I need to tell everyone I have AIDS" story);
-Rudy Gallindo (figure skating; he was out prior to winning the US title several years ago);
and a few athletes from the Athens games.

The market for gay and lesbian athletes just isn't there. and it's easy to say "oh, it's the locker room mentality", but the fact of the matter is that even in individual sports, it's just not there."

c'est nul qu'on en soit encore là.

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